AARP published an article outlining ten things about Social Security that people consistently believe, even though they are not true. Despite the fact that I have worked for almost three decades helping people get Social Security disability benefits, I still thought some of these myths were true. I suspect that almost everyone is convinced of some fact about Social Security that is simply not the case.
Some of these include:
► The Federal government takes money from the Social Security trust fund to pay ongoing obligations
► The retirement age is 65
► Social Security holds your contributions for you in a retirement account
The More You Know . . .
I encourage you to read the article and educate yourself further. As the cliche has it, knowledge is power. The more you know about Social Security, the better decisions you can make. Virtually everyone will get a Social Security benefit of some kind in his or her lifetime. The fewer myths you believe, the wiser you can be when it is your turn.
Remember the wise words of Mark Twain (or somebody), who said “It ain’t what you don’t know, it’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”