Republicans, as we know, are determined to use any means possible to cut funding for Social Security disability. One current method is to create a phony crisis and then rush into with a Draconian solution. The phony crisis, in this case, is a pending shortfall in the money available to pay Social Security disability beneficiaries. It is a manufactured problem because the only required action is to move some of the money set aside for retirement into disability. Just like Congress has always done. To counter this notion, Democrats suggest combining the funding for retirement and disability into one large pot of money. This, say the Democrats, eliminates the need to reallocate between the two. It also promoted efficiency given that there would be one large trust fund instead of two. So, is this a good idea? Paint me skeptical on this one. The idea has a lot of appeal, but I fear that if you combine the two programs, you will lose some of the accountability for each. You might also set up a situation where retirees and the disabled blame each other for any under funding of Social Security. Can’t you just hear the catcalls about moochers and fakers versus millionaire retirees living in condos on the beach?
On balance, I’d say both parties are wrong on this one (what a surprise, right?) Rather than make fundamental changes, just allow for reallocating between the two. Like we have always done. End of story.
Could Democrats Troll Republicans Right Back On Social Security?