Tucson Social Security Disability Blog

Things To Know About Social Security Before Voting

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As the time to vote approaches again, it is time to ponder what the election could mean for Social Security. To that end, the New York Times has published an excellent article that addresses eight questions about the various programs that Social Security provides. The article is well worth reading before filling out your ballot this fall. I would not presume to tell anyone how they should vote. But, you owe it to yourself to be as informed as possible before making your election choices. The present and future of Social Security could change in significant ways depending on whether is it Democrats or Republicans who control Congress.

Two Parties, Two Approaches

At Least We Agree You’re Wrong

Needless to say, the two political parties have different ideas about Social Security. For example, per the Times, Republicans favor cutting benefits while Democrats would rather increase those benefits. Democrats would raise the amount of income subject to Social Security taxes. Republicans would do such things as raising the retirement age.  That means working a lot longer later in life. Republicans also like the idea of paying wealthy people less in benefits than poorer people. This so-called “means testing” could result in some retirees not getting any benefits at all. This would be the case even after those retirees paid Social Security taxes for decades.

This Does Affect You, So Learn All You Can

If you think that Social Security does not affect you, think again. Social Security provides services to people of all ages.  In any event, if you work you are paying significant Social Security taxes.  You might as well have a say in how the program is run. It might mean working more years than you planned or getting nothing back at all from your Social Security taxes. In any event, no matter how you feel about Social Security, vote! Not sure if you are registered? Don’t know where or when to vote? Start here.

Make Your Voice Heard

Hearing scheduled? Call Today.

If Social Security has scheduled your disability case to be heard by one of their judges, call me immediately. Unlike many large law firms, I can move quickly to get your case ready to be won.

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About The Author

Since 1992, I have been helping the people of Southern Arizona get the benefits they are due. Before devoting all my efforts to assisting people with Social Security disability claims, I also handled such complex lawsuits as medical malpractice and products liability. I brought to my Social Security cases all the skills and attention to detail that I developed in the courtroom. I approach each Social Security disability case as if it were a million-dollar lawsuit. For the people trying to get Social Security benefits, their claim is every bit as important. Because I have personally handled so many Social Security cases, I have refined the skills I need to win your case for you. I have helped people win cases for every kind of ailment from arthritis to valley fever. At present, I am focused on helping those persons with neurological and orthopedic disorders. Because claims for people over age fifty bring additional complications, I particularly seek out those cases to work on. I regularly write about back and spine conditions on my blog. I actively seek out the latest information about orthopedic and neurological disorders to ensure I can represent my clients as effectively as possible. Because of my current focus, I regret that I am not able to take any cases for mental disorders. If you are over age fifty and suffer from any orthopedic or neurological disorder, please contact me at once.