You might have to strain a bit to find much to be thankful for in 2020. This has been, for almost all of us, the worst year in memory. Worse news seemed to follow bad news. But, there are now some signs of hope. Several Covid-19 vaccines look extremely promising. If we can just hang on until this dreadful year has gone, things could really be a whole lot better.
So, even though this Thanksgiving is steeped in sadness and other harmful emotions, please do try to take a moment to reflect on all the good things in life. If you can, please stay at home. The lure of the family is almost irresistible. This is even more true when times are bad and we need to be surrounded by the ones we love. But, if we can all socially isolate this one holiday season, we can soon be back with our friends and families. It is a trade well worth making